Can you help edit Youth & Policy?

We are seeking new members for our editorial board!
Can you help edit Youth & Policy?
We are keen to recruit a small number of additional editors to the Youth & Policy editorial group. There is no payment as we have almost no income; we see editorial work as a service to the development of critical discussion and scholarship in youth policy and youth work theory and practice. If you are interested after reading this blurb, please complete and submit this form by the end of September 2022.
Who we are
We are a small, friendly, informal, and collaborative editorial group (currently five members). We meet a couple of times a year (in person and online) and otherwise keep in contact by Whatsapp and email. Most but not all of us work in universities; this is not a requirement or a preference. We all have experience of professional youth work practice; again, this is not a requirement. We all enjoy reading widely about issues affecting young people in society.
Who we need
We all get involved in most jobs. The main task is reviewing and editing articles, as well as uploading and publishing the articles on our WordPress website (we can provide informal training). We then share out other tasks – for example, at the moment we are looking for someone to contribute to simple financial organisation, and we are interested in exploring whether to start organising conferences and events (which we have not had capacity to do in recent years). We are also open to new ideas.
– Good knowledge of youth issues, policy and practice (we don’t all have to be experts in everything as we share out articles based on interest and expertise).
– Ability to use wordpress (or willingness to learn – informal training, support and instructions provided).
– Good standard of writing and ability to edit other people’s writing to a publishable standard in English.
– Good collective working (e.g. letting everyone know if you are unavailable or need to take longer to do something; taking on a share of tasks while being mindful of your own and everyone’s wellbeing).
– Time and availability to edit approximately 4 articles per year and attend approximately 3 meetings per year (in person, online or hybrid). (but we don’t put people under pressure as we know work and life gets in the way sometimes).
– Good communication skills (e.g. communicating clearly, professionally and tactfully with writers submitting articles).
– Optional: Knowledge/passion for simple financial management for small non-profit organisations, and/or supporting the organisation of conferences (not essential).
We welcome applications from both academics and practitioners. We are particularly interested in (but not limited to) applications from members of social groups who are under-represented in journal editing and publishing, particularly Black people, people of colour and otherwise racially minoritized people, working class people, young people, disabled people, neurodivergent people, people from outside the UK, and people from Global South contexts.
Next steps
Please complete and submit this form by the end of September 2022. Depending on the number of applicants, we may not be able to say yes to everyone, but we are very grateful for your application and we will reply to all applications in October, including any next steps. Please send us a message on our website if you have any questions:
Youth & Policy is run voluntarily on a non-profit basis. If you would like to support our work, you can donate any amount using the button below.
Last Updated: 27 July 2022