Y&P Archive: Issue 108

First Published: 1st March 2012 | Tags: ,


  • Young People, Welfare Reform and Social Insecurity
    Margaret Melrose
  • Buses from Beirut: Young People, Bus Travel and Anti-Social Behaviour
    Stephen Moore
  • Participation and Activism: Young people shaping their worlds
    Kalbir Shukra, Malcolm Ball and Katy Brown
  • John Dewey and Experiential Learning: Developing the theory of youth work
    Jon Ord
  • Home Alone? Practitioners’ Reflections on the Implications of Young People Living Alone
    Kayleigh Garthwaite

Thinking Space

  • An Institute for Youth Work?
    Tom Wylie



L. Cohen, L. Manion, and K. Morrison, (eds)
Research Methods in Education (7th Edition)

Nathan Hall, John Grieve and Stephen P. Savage (eds.)
Policing and the Legacy of Lawrence

Michael Little and Barbara Maughan
Effective Interventions for Children in Need

In Defence of Youth Work
This Is Youth Work: Stories From Practice

E.G Levine and S.K. Levine (eds)
Art in Action – Expressive Arts Therapy and Social Change

Paul Thomas
Youth, Multiculturalism and Community Cohesion

Jane Westergaard
Effective Group Work with Young People


Click to download Issue 108 (.PDF)

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Last Updated: 22 June 2017