Y&P Archive: Issue 110

- Youth work in a changing policy landscape: the view from England
Bernard Davies - ‘I just love youth work!’ Emotional labour, passion and resistance
Tania de St Croix - Youth Work, ‘Protest’ and a Common Language: Towards a Framework for Reasoned Debate
Richard Davies - Protecting Child Employees: Why the system doesn’t work
Jim McKechnie, Sandy Hobbs, Amanda Simpson, Cathy Howieson and Sheila Semple
Thinking Space
- It’s business as usual: Newcastle, commissioning and cuts
Michael Bell, Lizi Gray and Anne Marron
Brian Belton
Radical Youth Work: Developing Critical Perspectives and Professional Judgement
Frank Coffield and Bill Williamson
From Exam Factories to Communities of Discovery: The Democratic Route
Doug Nicholls
For Youth Workers and Youth Work: Speaking out for a Better Future
Christopher Uhl with Dana L. Stuchul
Teaching as if Life Matters: The Promise of a New Education Culture
Michael Wyness
Childhood And Society
Click to download Issue 110 (.PDF)
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Last Updated: 22 June 2017