Youth Policy: Then and Now

Conference - 'Youth Policy: Then and Now'
9th – 10th February 2018
Hinsley Hall, Leeds
The Youth and Policy conference ‘Youth Policy: Then and Now’ will take place at Hinsley Hall, Leeds, 9th-10th February 2018.
This event is in place of our biannual ‘History of Youth and Community Work’ conference, and will include presentations on contemporary as well as historical issues.
Tickets can be purchased via Eventbrite here (£190 plus Eventbrite fee)
As with the earlier gatherings, it will include a mix of plenary sessions, workshops and ‘surprise’ events. We hope that this conference will be once again a relaxed gathering of enthusiasts keen to talk to and learn from each other.
Confirmed speakers so far include:
Michael Whelan (Coventry University) – Digital Youth Work
Tony Taylor – The rise and fall of local authority youth work
Rys Farthing (Oxford University) – Inter-generational Poverty
John Goodwin (Leicester University) – The life and work of Pearl Jephcott
Matt Scott (Community Development Journal) – Community Development: Then and Now
Presenting a workshop
At the heart of our conferences are the workshops. The breadth is always impressive covering an enormous range of topics linked to the history of youth work, adult education and community work. As before some of these will focus on the historical development of practice in countries outside the UK. A feature of this conference is that around a third of those attending volunteer to deliver a workshop.
If you are attending the event and would like to present a workshop please email Paula Connaughton (p.connaughton [at] with a short description of your planned workshop (around 100 words).
Confirmed workshop topics so far include: the youth impact agenda; young Muslims and exclusion since 9/11; youth clubs 1967-2017; rethinking community development; and young people and citizenship.
Full programme available now:
Friday 9th February
10.00-11.00 Registration, Coffee and Biscuits
11.00 – 12.30 Michael Whelan (Coventry University): Does youth work have a digital future?
12.30- 14.00 Lunch
14.00 – 15.30 Rys Farthing (Oxford University) : Inter-generational poverty
15.30 – 16.00 Coffee
16.00 – 17.15 In Defence of Youth Work : Is the tide turning?
18.00 – 19.00 Evening Meal
19.00 – 20.30 John Goodwin (Leicester University): What Pearl Jephcott did next: The life and legacy of a social researcher
Saturday 10th February
09.30 – 10.45 Workshops
10.45-11.15 Coffee
11.15 -12.30 Tony Taylor: The rise and fall of local authority youth services
12.30 -13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 14. 45 Matt Scott (Editor Community Development Journal) Community Development: Then and now
14.45- 16.00 Workshops
16.00 Coffee available
16.00-17.00 Panel discussion
17.00-17.15 Close and depart
The Youth & Policy conference is supported by the Professional Association of Lecturers in Youth and Community Work (TAG)
Youth & Policy is run voluntarily on a non-profit basis. If you would like to support our work, you can donate any amount using the button below.
Last Updated: 19 December 2017