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Publishing for social change: Supporting emerging writing on social work and youth work in India
Date: 7th December 2020 | Tags: Early career research, India, Scheduled castes, social work, Writing workshops, youth work

Youth and Policy is delighted to support ‘Publishing for social change: Supporting emerging writing on social work and youth work in India’. If you are an early career researcher in social work and/or youth work in India, especially if you are from Scheduled Castes, or if you know anyone in this position, please read on!
We are delighted to open this call to participants for a writing workshop and mentoring programme for early-career researchers from Scheduled Castes in India across the disciplines of Social Work and Youth Work. This is being organised through a partnership between The Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD) and King’s College London (KCL); and draws together support from experienced academics in social work and youth work from India and across the globe (such as the UK, Hong Kong and Australia).
‘Publishing for Social Change’ is a four-day workshop in Chennai, India; backed up by a ten month structured mentoring programme, for early career researchers (ECRs) in India who work on issues in or related to social work and youth work. Priority will be given to researchers from the Scheduled Castes in India. This workshop will celebrate and amplify the research of participants by supporting writing and publication in these important yet often marginalised fields, both in high impact international peer reviewed journals, and in other high quality international publications such as practitioner publications and open online journals.
This workshop and mentoring programme aims to provide ECRs with insider knowledge and strategies for publishing in quality peer reviewed journals, and to build capacity amongst Indian academics to develop existing and new networks and systems to support ECRs to publish their work.
All the costs involved in your participation will be covered through funding from the British Academy for this programme (including your attendance at the writing workshop). We have funding for approximately 20 participants. Further details of the programme, eligibility, and the application process are on the attachment below. Please note that the deadline for applying to attend is 11th January 2021.
The workshops are supported by two journals: International Social Work and Youth and Policy.
Youth & Policy is run voluntarily on a non-profit basis. If you would like to support our work, you can donate any amount using the button below.
Last Updated: 8 December 2020