Y&P Archive: Issue 100

100th Anniversary Edition.
- Reflections of youth policy: twenty-five years of Youth and Policy
Bernard Davis - Young people’s rights: children’s rights or adults’ rights?
Priscilla Alderson - ‘The end of certainty’: policy regime change and Australian youth policy 1983-2008
Judith Bessant - Youth work and youth policy in the Republic of Ireland 1983-2008: ‘Still haven’t found what we’re looking for…?’
Maurice Devlin - Youth policy in Wales
John Rose - European youth policy
Howard Williamson - The search for youth policy in the United States
Joyce A. Walker and Dale A. Blyth - Young people, central government and youth work
Tom Wylie - A plague on all our houses? Reflections on media coverage of young people
Tim Burke - The changing world’s view of Christian youth work
Mary-Ann Clayton and Naomi Stanton - The transformation of youth labour markets in the UK
Bob Coles - Experiencing youth poverty: a case study
Roger Green and Bonnie Curran - Could do better: education policy since 1983
Tony Jeffs
In from the margins and back again – 25 years of policy: young people, sexuality and gender
Billie Oliver - The changing shape of youth crime
John Pitts - Young people and illicit drug use: differentiated experiences and policy failures
Tracey Shildrick - Young people and leisure
Kenneth Roberts - Housing policy for young people: constructions and contradictions
Mike Seal - ‘Hiding out in the open’: young people and social class in the UK youth studies
Tracey Shildrick - Young people in the community
Keith Popple - From anti-oppressive practice to community cohesion
Kalbir Shukra - The making of leaving care policy 1971-2008
Mike Stein - Young people, politics and participation: a youth work perspective
Tony Taylor - Talk to Frank: youth lifestyles, branding and governmental rationality
Patrick Turner - Valuing youth work
Tony Jeffs and Mark K. Smith
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Last Updated: 31 August 2017