Y&P Archive: Issue 113

- The state of youth work in austerity England – reclaiming the ability to ‘care’
Gill Hughes, Charlie Cooper, Sinéad Gormally and Julie Rippingale - Against role models. Tracing the histories of manliness in youth work. The cultural capital of respectable masculinity
Janet Batsleer - Beyond Rhetoric: Asserting the importance of professional ethics and values in the training of Youth Support Workers in challenging times
Hazel Reid and Joanna Oliver - Who Dunnit? Gangs, Joint Enterprise, Bad Character and Duress
John Pitts - ‘The voluntary organisation forms … a unique feature of the British way of life’: One voluntary organisation’s response to the birth of the Youth Service
Helen M. F. Jones
Thinking Space
- Be yourself. Education is not about exams
Martha Davies - Risk and resilience: exploring the necessity and (im)possibility of being a critical and feminist youth worker in neo-liberal times
Ali Hanbury and Ali Ronan
Click for all the following reviews:
Graham Brotherton and Mark Cronin (Editors)
Working with Vulnerable Children, Young People and Families
Routledge 2013
Emilia Ohberg
Ian Fyfe and Stuart Moir
Standing At The Crossroads: What Future For Youth Work? A Concept Journal Youth Work Reader
Concept 2013
Paula Connaughton
Kieron Hatton
Social Pedagogy in the UK
Russell House Publishing 2013
Lesley Buckland
Margaret Melrose and Jenny Pearce
Critical Perspectives On Child Sexual Exploitation and Related Trafficking
Palgrave Macmillan 2013
David Palmer
Kate Sapin
Essential Skills for Youth Work Practice
Sage 2013
Paul Davies
Click to download Issue 113 (.PDF)
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Last Updated: 22 June 2017
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