Y&P Archive: Issue 84

Summer 2004.
- ‘Learning to Listen’ — Young People and the Police in Northern Ireland
Jennifer Hamilton, Katy Redford and Neil Jarman - The Young People’s Taskforce: creating new forms of practice and policy in response to youth homelessness and social exclusion
Rosie Edwards and Barry Percy-Smith - The theoretical contribution of adventure education to those of criminology and youth work, in understanding the prevention of youth crime
Geoff Nichols - Curriculum Debate: a letter to Jon Ord
Tony Jeffs - The Youth Work Curriculum: a response to Jon Ord
Bryan Merton and Tom Wylie - Communicating What Youth Work Achieves: the smile and the arch
Jeremy Brent - The Youth Work Curriculum
Sue Robertson
Click to download Issue 84 (.PDF)
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Last Updated: 12 July 2017